...you could be leading leaders
instead of leading followers.
If you were leading leaders, how would your life--
and how would your organization--be different?

An organization's results, processes, and culture are a function of the quality and depth of its leadership.
All leaders are faced with having to make decisions where they don't have all the information. It's not as if you are blindfolded, however. There is help, and you can find some very practical guidance here.
This site is for leaders who choose to invest in the future leaders in their organizations. Whether that concept feels comfortable to you or not, you'll find helpful information on this website.
(See if you might be a characteristic client.)
For a moment, think what you would do differently if you were leading leaders. What would your direct reports do differently?
Take a look at this article: "Are You Leading Leaders?"
If you are seeking specific information:Dennis Hooper has written hundreds of articles on leadership development over the past eighteen years. All theses articles are available to you at no charge. |
Put your key words (such as "collaboration" or "servant leadership") into this search box to see what information exists on this website to support your need: |
****************************************************************************************************************************************"Leading leaders"--now that's a paradigm shift!
At "Building Future Leaders," we strongly encourage searching for
and welcoming paradigm shifts.
Changing attitudes and behaviors can bring about some improvement. However, if you really want to experience the dawning of a new day in your behaviors, seek major shifts in perspective!
Look for and welcome paradigm shifts!
(Click here for an article on "paradigm shifts.")
We'll help you improve your organization's culture. We'll start by determining where you are (personally and organizationally) and where you want to go. We'll help you generate a plan for how to get there.
(Click here for an article on how awareness changes before you improve your skills.)
Click here for testimonials
on the quality of Dennis Hooper's:
--leadership competencies,
--coaching skills,
--and desire to serve you.
If you choose to work with me, Dennis Hooper,
and you've experienced no improvement in your leadership capabilities
in nine months (as measured by your direct reports),
all fees paid during that time will be returned to you!