I conducted a "force-field diagram" comparing the advantages of hiring new leaders from the outside with the advantages of building leaders internally. (If you don't know what a force-field diagram is, look up the term on the internet or send me a note, and I'll send you an article I wrote back in 2005 that describes the concept.)
I generated a pretty extensive analysis, which I thought would form the basis for this week's article. However, as you read “What Will They Do When You’re Gone?”, you'll see that almost nothing from that preparatory work wound up in the article! As I'm learning so clearly in my coaching work, there is huge value in having the individual do his or her own thinking! Also, as you might guess, I come out on the side of developing your own future leaders, so the article would have sounded too much like a sales pitch!
Think for a moment about how succession planning is conducted in your organization. If you are in a leadership position, do you spend much time on succession planning? If not, why not?
If you are not among the top leaders in your organization, do you know how succession planning is conducted in your organization? If you are not among the top leaders in your organization, is anyone making sure your leadership skills are being developed? If your answer is "no," it's pretty likely that a succession planning process for your organization either doesn't exist or has resulted in a conscious choice to hire future leaders from the outside. If you are career minded, that should be a factor you consider!
I welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions!